they changed the url formulations. i also started logging 3 twines for different experiments for interactions between different zones ( results:…
another approach: ended up writing a shell script that logs in, grabs current temp, writes to a log and posts to a google sheet (need to grab form key and form element name from source of form submit page on google). i set up in cron to run every 1…
another approach: ended up writing a shell script that logs in, grabs current temp, writes to a log and posts to a google sheet (need to grab form key and form element name from source of form submit page on google). i set up in cron to run every 1…
another approach: ended up writing a shell script that logs in, grabs current temp, writes to a log and posts to a google sheet (need to grab form key and form element name from source of form submit page on google). i set up in cron to run every 1…
ended up writing a shell script that logs in, grabs current temp, writes to a log and posts to a google sheet. i set up in cron to run every 10 mins
see below:
wget -o log.txt --quiet -O temp.txt --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt …